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          Boeing MH-47E Chinook



A close look at the Boeing MH-47E Chinook.



Boeing MH-47E Chinook up close.



A Boeing MH-47E Chinook looking for snakes in the grass.



A Boeing MH-47E Chinook helicopter.



A Boeing MH-47E helicopter.



A pair of MH-47E models conducting in-flight refueling.



             In June 1988, the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment and other US special operations forces received a short notice National Command Authority (NCA) directive to recover an Mi-24 Hind attack helicopter from a remote location in Africa. The Operation, code-named Mount Hope III, required two MH-47 crews to fly 490 miles at night without outside navigational aids, extract the Hind, and return. Within hours, the crews conducted a strategic deployment and executed their mission despite a blinding sand storm. This mission once again demonstrated the ability of man and machine to strike deep and accomplish the mission despite the most demanding flight conditions.



An MH-47E model Chinook helicopter hovering outside the Morton, Pennsylvania Chinook production facility.



On a ship bound for some distant land, an MH-47 is pictured with the rotor blades folded utilizing a blade folding kit.

             On a ship bound for some distant land, an MH-47 is pictured with the rotor blades folded utilizing a blade folding kit. Click-N-Go Here to view a larger image.



          The CH-47 - 40 years old and still circling the world.


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Last updated: 01/06/2021 19:20:16