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As of today, this airframe is 39.59 years old.



Removing components from CH-47D Chinook helicopter 92-00291 to lighten the load in preparation for sling load transport. At high altitudes and temperatures the power available to lift external loads is reduced. Aviators calculate how much engine power is available to determine the maximum load that can be carried.  Components such as engines, rotor systems, etc. are then removed to place the weight below the maximum allowed.

             Removing components from CH-47D Chinook helicopter 92-00291 to lighten the load in preparation for sling load transport. At high altitudes and temperatures the power available to lift external loads is reduced. Aviators calculate how much engine power is available to determine the maximum load that can be carried. Components such as engines, rotor systems, etc. are then removed to place the weight below the maximum allowed. Click-N-Go Here to view a larger image.



             Sorry, data on this aircraft is not yet available. It takes awhile to sift through all the files and extract useful information. Anything you may wish to offer in the way of photographs and stories concerning this tail number would be greatly appreciated. Just click on the email link below to send us your information. Thanks!



          In the News



             12 October 2010, 92-00291 was hit by a rocket propelled grenade (RPG) while on the ground at Ghaki Pass on the Pakistani border with Afghanistan. The aircraft had just landed and was off-loading when the RPG was fired up the ramp into the main cabin area. Three non-rated crew members (NRCM) and two passengers (PAX) were injured. One afghanistan interpreter was killed in the explosion. The aircraft and all components were recovered back to Jalabad airfield on 14 October 2010 by the same DART package as 08-08048. 92-00291 was weighed after the recovery operation. It weighed 12,521 pounds as slung. The airframe was moved from Ghaki Pass to Forward Operating Base (FOB) Joyce - a distance of 10 miles at 15° Celcius (C) and 8,000 feet pressure altitude (PA). From there it was moved to Jalalabad Airfield - a distance of 35 miles at 25° C and 3,000 feet PA. Finally, 92-00291 was moved to Bagram Air Base - a distance of 85 miles at 10° C and 9,000 feet PA. It is expected the aircraft will either be repaired at Bagram or shipped back to the Continental United States (CONUS). 92-00291 was on loan from the Pennsylvania National Guard and operated as a float aircraft by B Company, 2nd General Support Aviation Battalion (GSAB), 3rd Combat Aviation Brigade, Task Force Knighthawk.



Elements of B Company, 603rd Aviation Support Battalion prepare the aft shaft for removal to facilitate the sling loading of 92-00291 from the landing zone (LZ) at Ghaki Pass.

             Elements of B Company, 603rd Aviation Support Battalion prepare the aft shaft for removal to facilitate the sling loading of 92-00291 from the landing zone (LZ) at Ghaki Pass. Click-N-Go Here to view a larger image.



CH-47D Chinook helicopter 92-00291 and all the removed components are ready for sling load transport from the LZ at Ghaki Pass.

             CH-47D Chinook helicopter 92-00291 and all the removed components are ready for sling load transport from the LZ at Ghaki Pass. Click-N-Go Here to view a larger image.



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          The CH-47 - 40 years old and still circling the world.


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Last updated: 09/16/2017 17:07:13