Pegasus H-47 Chinook Website Guestbook


Added: February 16, 2022
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Great website about the best helicopter that ever flew. I spent 5 tours in them. 213th in 1973, 196th 1974-1977, 295th from 1977 to 1981, 243d from 1981-1985 and finally the 271st in 1986.
Good luck to all hookers.

Added: January 21, 2022
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Added: January 7, 2022
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Private post. Click to view.

Added: November 2, 2021
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Added: June 23, 2021
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180th Big Windy Vietnam 72-73

Added: September 24, 2015
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Great site for remanicing about my favorite subject,Chinooks.I hired on at Boeing,(than known as Vertol),in March of 1961.I worked on an H-21 test hack,and a HUP-2 test bird until the arrival of our prototype 107 from the Paris air show and a tour of europe.The first pre production 107 (modified ch46),arrived shortly therafter and I helped crew it on 2nd shift. A short time later the first ch47A arrived from the Morton plant via a truck.When it ran for the first time ,the blade de-phasing system activated and there was hellto pay as the blades struck each other and parts flew everywhere.The plane declared un-safe to fly and was made into a ground test vehical for the next 10 or more years.The first flight of a ch47 was I think in early 1962. :!time:

Added: September 10, 2015
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Glad to see the site back up, it's an amazing amount of Chinook history.

I was a CE/FE on C & D models - 213th Blackcats in Korea 1984-1987, Ft. Eustis 1987-1989.

Added: August 19, 2015
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I was with 180th avn co in phu hiep from apr 69- apr70,
started in maint then flt. plt.

Added: February 26, 2014
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Good to see you back. I was trained 67U20 in 1972 at Ft. Eustis, Va. Was assigned to Germany in 72 and spent 2 years there at Finthen AAF. I initially was assigned to the 295th, which at the time was the only CH-54 (Skycrane) unit in Germany. I was at Finthen when the 205th arrived in 73. I was again transferred to another unit in the States, Ft. Carson Co. (179th)in 74, where I spent 9 months until I left the Army in 75. I worked on the Flight line team for the 179th when there. I have a website for the 295th that I try to update as I get information, although it has more to do about the unit while I was there, and nothing really after I left. Good to see you folks back online, really good to see this site, I can spend a lot of time here. :D

Added: February 19, 2014
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